Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adult Faith Formation

We have begun a new, exciting program of adult faith formation at St. Paul's United Church of Christ.

We meet in the Multi-Purpose Room on the first three (sometimes two) Thursday evenings of each month, beginning at 7 pm.

[The one exception at this point is the November/December schedule will be a bit different, due to several mitigating factors during those two months.]

Our Fall 2010 schedule is as follows:

September: An overview of Understanding the Bible

October: Developing our Prayer Life

[If you would like to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in preparation for this session in October, please see me for a booklet and answer sheet. The MBTI is the leading personality inventory in the world, and is enormously helpful for us in understanding different styles of prayer.]

November/December (schedule TBA): A look at The First Christmas
(A book published in 2007 by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan)

A book by a friend of mine from Ohio, Dr. Marian Plant, has recently been published in the Vital Congregations series from Pilgrim Press. Faith Formation in Vital Congregations is a book that I will refer to many times in the coming years.

Dr. Plant suggests that one way of helping to promote biblical literacy in our congregations is for a pastor to share with his or her congregation a "GPS" list - Good Pastoral Suggestions for books, DVDs, videos, etc..

I think that's a great idea, so over the next several blogs, I'm going to list some books and authors that I believe will help you to grow spiritually as you make your journey along the path of faith formation.

We'll start that GPS list by looking at Bibles [our current focus in the Adult Faith Formation classes] would be surprised how many people have asked me over the years the following question . . .

What kind of Bible should I be using?

It's not an easy question to answer. If you were to go into a bookstore - particularly a Christian bookstore - you would find hundreds of translations and editions, trying to fit all sorts of niches.

Of all the Bibles on the market, I believe your best option is to choose a Study Bible. Fortunately, there are several very good ones on the market.

The three that I recommend are the Harper Collins Study Bible, the New Interpreter's Study Bible, and the New Oxford Annotated Bible. Click on each of these titles - I've included links to for all three - so you can read reviews or purchase the Bible of your choice.

All three use the New Revised Standard Version translation. Most scholars recognize this as the best English translation available.

All three are available with the deutero-canonical books (i.e., Aprocrypha). While Protestant Christians don't consider these books to be "canonical," it is recognized that they provide excellent resource material for understanding the times.

Of the three, my personal recommendation is the Oxford Annotated Study Bible for the following reasons:

It is the most recently updated (2007).

Truly ecumenical, it includes books that would be used not only by the Roman Catholic Church, but also the Orthodox Church (i.e., Psalm 151, 3rd and 4th Maccabees).

The study helps - notes, essays, maps, diagrams, charts, etc. - are quite extensive.

The (Sabon) type font is very easy on the eyes and the [larger] print is easier to read.

The binding and paper is very good, thicker and sturdier than the other two Bibles. The binding - and thin paper - is particularly an issue with the Harper Collins Study Bible.

Nevertheless, you would profit immensely from using any one of these three Study Bibles.

I also want to recommend one other Bible, because of my strong interest in spiritual direction and adult faith formation.

That Bible is the Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible.

Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline, one of the 20th century classics in spiritual reading, headed up a team of over 50 scholars that worked on the Renovare Bible.

Here are some comments from Publisher's Weekly regarding the RSFB:

"Foster wrote an introductory note explaining the team's basic mission: to provide a resource for approaching the Bible through the lens of Christian spiritual formation. An opening essay encourages readers to see the entire Bible as the unfolding story of God's plan for how we can have an intimate love relationship with our Creator, while 15 other essays speak to various aspects and stages of that relationship, from exile and travail to Christ's coming and the future hope of eternity. The editors also include spiritual exercises, profiles of key biblical figures and discussions of how those individuals practiced spiritual disciplines like prayer and worship. Christians of many different traditions will appreciate this ecumenical resource devoted to spiritual renewal."

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Not convinced? A friend of mine has been using this Bible on my recommendation for about two years. She likes it so much that this past Christmas, she gave a copy to a devout Episcopalian friend of hers. That woman, who has studied the Bible for all of her nine decades, has put her other Bibles away and is using this one exclusively. And it's already dog earred from use! That's as good a recommendation as I can make.

If you have any questions about any of these Bibles - or have any question about other translations or niche Bibles - let's talk!

Pastor Al

This post includes an update of a blog published in 2007]

Monday, March 8, 2010

Walking on Holy Ground

If you've ever had the opportunity to see an Easter Egg created by the House of Faberge for the Russian Royal Family, you have seen, as the Tsar's family did, that there was always a surprise of great wonder and delight in each Egg crafted by Carl Faberge.

In the publication of English writer Liz Babb's gift book Celtic Treasure, we have been gifted with a literary Easter egg that offers surprise after delightful surprise in its 80 pages.

The presentation of the book is striking. Almost a perfect square, the book measures 6 inches by 6.3 inches. It is easy to carry or to fit into a purse or backpack for easy transportation. As you can see, the cover presents a precursor of the inside with a beautiful photograph of a glowing orange sea, with a slightly tilted Celtic Cross that draws the eye from the setting sun. The subtitle of the book is Unearthing the Riches of Celtic Spirituality. Liz Babbs unearths those riches with the skill of a miner who finds rich veins of ore.

I was first attracted to Celtic Spirituality in the late 1980's, as I became more familiar with the Iona Community and during the time I was in training to be a spiritual director. As I have collected various books on Celtic Spirituality over the years, I have longed for one that explained the tenets of Celtic wisdom in an easy and pleasant production. I have, at last, found that book.

What impresses me the most about Celtic Treasure is Babb's ability to paint spiritual landscapes with words and use of photographs to enhance an easy to understand explanation of Celtic Christianity.

There are eight chapters in her book:
Unearthing Celtic Treasures
Celtic Saints
Prayer and Solitude
God of Creation
Celebrating Creativity
Valuing Community
Generous hospitality
Celebrating Life

To engage with the book - I hesitate to use the word read as that is not comprehensive enough in description - is to take a journey into the depths of the Celtic landscape. With Biblical quotes, biographies of saints, explanations of Celtic spirituality, wisdom, and culture - interwoven with her own very capable poetry - Babbs weaves a tapestry that richly tells the story of Celtic spirituality.

I particularly appreciated her chapter on creativity, as she used photographs of the Lindisfarne Gospels - perhaps the most beautiful of all the illuminated manuscripts - to show the beauty of the creativity of the Celtic mind. She also writes a rich section on Celtic storytelling and it's communal aspects and explains the richness of music in Celtic life.

On page 41 of her book, Babbs explains the Celtic notion of an anam cara - Gaelic words meaning soul friend. An anam cara was someone you could share your deepest thoughts with, your innermost self, and receive guidance and wisdom for the spiritual journey.

With her newest book, Babbs becomes an anam cara for us.

I highly recomment Celtic Treasure as an entry point into the priceless treasure that is Celtic Spirituality.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Michigan comes to Pennsylvania

For eight years of our ministry, Carol and I pastored churches in the southwest edge of Michigan.

We lived three miles north of the Indiana border - just above South Bend - and Carol pastored a congregation about 17 miles north of where we lived and I pastored. What that means in a very roundabout way is that we lived a scant 20 miles from Lake Michigan and we were in the lake effect snow belt area.

While it might be cold enough for snow 10 miles south of us and 10 miles east, we were very likely to receive the bands of snow coming off Lake Michigan. They really did come in "bands." We lived in Niles and we might receive 10 inches of snow sometimes. Buchanan - the town about five miles west of us - might get nothing. But usually, the entire Berrien County area received lake effect snow on a regular basis.

If my memory serves correctly, we averaged about 120 inches of snow each winter. The winter before we moved to Ohio, I distinctly remember getting 90 inches of snow in the month of December. It snowed every day save a few - sometimes 2/3 inches, sometimes a foot or more.

Some of our best memories were of those snowy days. We had a great room with a working fireplace and I usually bought one or two cords of red oak, white oak, and hickory each Fall. There wasn't anything better than sitting in front of the fireplace on a winter's afternoon or evening with a crackling fire. Our dog was a puppy and young dog in those years and she loved to get up on the recliner with Carol, lay her head on her chest, and fall fast asleep.

I think of all these things today because we are home from the office with predictions of 15-18 inches of snow this afternoon. The Philadelphia area will break its all-time winter snow record today. Of course, we haven't gotten as much snow, but we are certainly getting socked today. And it's beautiful outside.

When I was in seminary, and on the occasion of a significant snowfall, I'd follow a certain routine. First, I sat in my rocking chair in my bedroom, opened the blinds, and occasionaly looked outside as I read the "snow" poems of my favorite American poet, Robert Frost. Then I'd get bundled up, and walk north of the seminary on North Main Street in Wake Forest, NC. Most of the homes on that six block stretch of road were Victorian or early 20th century architecture. I felt a strong sense of peace and connection with God when I would take those walks in the deafening silence of snowfall (yes, it was sort of like being in a Thomas Kincaide painting). And though I did not have the words for it at that time, it was one of my earliest cognizant experiences of what Celtic Christianity called thin places.

One my Facebook friends, Liz, wrote these words in a recent blog. The novelist Mary DeMuth, in her memoir Thin Places, describes thin places as, '..snatches of holy ground, tucked into the corners of our world, where, if we pay very close attention, we might just catch a glimpse of eternity.....They are aha moment, beautiful, realizations, when the Son of God burst through the hazy fog of our monotony and shines on us afresh.'

I think that is as good a description of thin places that I've ever heard. I hope today that you have an opportunity to rejoice in the beauty of God's creation, the overwhelming silence of the snow, and the delight at a winter wonderland presented to us. I hope you have an "aha" moment, and a sense of the presence of God that burst on us in these serendipity moments of life that are all too rare and so life-enhancing.

(Thanks to Daria, Omar, & Richard for providing these photos)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A new kind of GPS

A friend of mine, Dr. Marian Plant, recently published a book in the Vital Congregations series from Pilgrim Press. Faith Formation in Vital Congregations is a book that I will refer to many times in the coming years.

Dr. Plant suggests that one way of helping to promote biblical literacy in our congregations is for a pastor to share with his or her congregation a "GPS" list - Good Pastoral Suggestions for books, DVDs, videos, etc..

I think that's a great idea, so over the next several blogs, I'm going to list some books and authors that I believe will help you to grow spiritually as you make your journey along the path of faith formation.

We'll start that GPS list by looking at would be surprised how many people have asked me over the years the following question . . .

What kind of Bible should I be using?

It's not an easy question to answer. If you were to go into a bookstore - particularly a Christian bookstore - you would find hundreds of translations and editions, trying to fit all sorts of niches.

Of all the Bibles on the market, I believe your best option is to choose a Study Bible. Fortunately, there are several very good ones on the market.

The three that I recommend are the Harper Collins Study Bible, the New Interpreter's Study Bible, and the New Oxford Annotated Bible. Click on each of these titles - I've included links to for all three - so you can read reviews or purchase the Bible of your choice. Incidently, these are all in Hardcover. You can purchase them in paperback as well.

All three use the New Revised Standard Version translation. For a variety of reasons, most Biblical scholars recognize this as the best English translation available.

All three are available with the deutero-canonical books (i.e., Aprocrypha). While Protestant Christians don't consider these books to be "canonical," it is recognized that they provide excellent resource material for understanding the times.

Of the three, my personal recommendation is the New Oxford Annotated Bible for the following reasons:

It is the most recently updated (2007).

Truly ecumenical, it includes books that would be used not only by the Roman Catholic Church, but also the Orthodox Church (i.e., Psalm 151, 3rd and 4th Maccabees).

The study helps - notes, essays, maps, diagrams, charts, etc. - are quite extensive.

The (Sabon) type font is very easy on the eyes and the [larger] print is easier to read.

The binding and paper is very good, thicker and sturdier than the other two Bibles. The binding - and thin paper - is particularly an issue with the Harper Collins Study Bible.

Nevertheless, you would profit immensely from using any one of these three Study Bibles.

I also want to recommend one other Bible, because of my strong interest in spiritual direction and adult faith formation.

That Bible is the Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible.

Richard Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline, one of the 20th century classics in spiritual reading, headed up a team of over 50 scholars that worked on the Renovare Bible.

Here are some comments from Publisher's Weekly regarding the RSFB:

"Foster wrote an introductory note explaining the team's basic mission: to provide 'a resource for approaching the Bible through the lens of Christian spiritual formation.' An opening essay encourages readers to see the entire Bible as 'the unfolding story of God's plan for how we can have an intimate love relationship with our Creator,' while 15 other essays speak to various aspects and stages of that relationship, from exile and travail to Christ's coming and the future hope of eternity. The editors also include spiritual exercises, profiles of key biblical figures and discussions of how those individuals practiced spiritual disciplines like prayer and worship. Christians of many different traditions will appreciate this ecumenical resource devoted to spiritual renewal."

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Not convinced? A friend of mine has been using this Bible on my recommendation for about two years. She likes it so much that this past Christmas, she gave a copy to a devout Episcopalian friend of hers. That woman, who has studied the Bible for all of her nine decades, has put her other Bibles away and is using this one exclusively. And it's already dog earred from use! That's as good a recommendation as I can make.

If you have any questions about any of these Bibles - or have any question about other translations or niche Bibles - let's talk!

Pastor Al